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www.Miracles4you.org, www.Miracles4you.com and www.Jesus4you.org, David Jor (including their directors, volunteers, employees and agents) makes no warranty, statement or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information, contained herein, and in so far as permitted by law, shall not have any legal liability or responsibility (including liability for negligence) for any loss, damage, or injury (including death) which may result, whether directly or indirectly, from the supply or use of such information.

Browsers, visitors or readers must not abstain or lessen from medication or treatment or operation without the medical professional’s advice. Common misunderstanding of healing by faith is that whether it is God’s will, timing, and the intensity of prayer. (Matthew 17:20-21). Mental belief is not the same as faith released from God. God also uses medication and/or operation and not necessarily by supernatural healing.